Life Coaching

In coaching, we do two things: connect with the truth and divest from the lies.  These are the first steps and foundational pieces of the work we do together.

The lies I’m talking about are the stories or beliefs that inspire ick, block our brilliance, or shroud us in gloom – basically, whatever we tell ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, that keeps us feeling stuck, trapped, or miserable.  Truth does the opposite.  It inspires possibility, generates flow, and sparks joy.  And, happily for us, the truth lives right where we are, in our embodied wisdom, emotional landscape, and intuitive knowing.

From this space of truth-filled awesomeness, we begin to gather in and build toward all sorts of beautiful things: meaningful adventures, happy relationships, creative projects of all kinds, triumphs galore, but most importantly: lives we love and selves we’re proud of.

This is some of what you can expect from coaching:

  • Real talk about the deep stuff that matters to you.
  • Focused attention on what feels most clogged or cluttered in life, and action plans to help you clean out the gunk and clear away the cobwebs.
  • Deep dives into your intuition and embodied wisdom.
  • Space to dream, grieve, feel, process, imagine, make plans, and/or take action.  (Coaching can look like all of this, and we work together in ways that feels right to you and meet you where you are on your journey.) 
  • Support, encouragement, and feedback from me as you set out on new adventures, navigate your roadmap, encounter challenges along the way, process inner shifts and transformations, and create beautiful things.

If this sounds fun, feels resonant, or sparks intrigue, let’s talk.  You can reach me here.  Or if you’d like to chat by phone, you can schedule a free, fun, no-pressure call with me here.

Session Stuff:

Coaching sessions are 60-75 minutes long and take place by phone.  Email support is included.


  • Single session: $55
  • Four-session package: $205
  • Eight-session package: $390