Business is a kind of magic where we bring our medicine to the world.
but there are challenges along the way too.
Because the entrepreneurial journey is a hero’s journey.
…with twists + turns,
…moments of doubt + uncertainty,
…times when we feel pulled in different directions, unsure which path will take us where we want to go,
And one of the best resources we can carry with us on this journey is a groundedness in who we are…
…our strengths + gifts,
…our instincts + desires,
…our unique ways of working, dreaming, creating, and relating.
And this is what we’ll be exploring + unfolding in this adventure together.
It starts with anchoring into who we are + how we’re made.
Because there are all sorts of avenues + pathways for growing + sustaining a creative business + sharing our medicine with the world.
But which ones are right for us?
How do we know which strategies + frameworks to incorporate into our work, and which to set aside?
Rather than leaning on “rules” or blueprints, the entrepreneurial journey asks us to chart a path that’s congruent with our deepest, truest self.
Because the business we create — and the way we flourish + thrive within it — may look very different from these default assumptions + standard prescriptions.
Astrology is one way to deepen into this self-understanding, and that’s where we’ll begin.
In this 6-week group adventure, we’ll begin by exploring the astrological chart…
…a map that offers key clues + compass points around your natural strengths + how you work best…
…making that our jumping off point for cultivating clarity, sorting conundrums, deepening resonance, and cultivating congruence around business.
We’ll start with a teaching call to get us started + introduce some key chart factors you can work with right away…
…and then we’ll dive into individualized work with 1:1 focused conversations in front of the group so we can all learn together - and conclude with an integration call for Q&A + additional practicum time.
All zoom calls will be recorded + shared with all participants. There will also be a Facebook group to ask questions + continue the conversation outside of class time.
The class runs 6 Fridays: May 3, 10, 17, 24, and June 7, 14 at 12pm pacific/1pm mountain/2pm central/3pm eastern.
Each call is 90 minutes and will include time for questions + conversation.
There are two ways to be part of this adventure:
The first is to participate by opting to have a 40-minute conversation with me about your business/entrepreneurial journey + astrological chart in front of the group.
For this option, you will need to be able to attend at least one of the live practicum calls + willing to share about your journey with business.
You never need to disclose more than you’re comfortable sharing, but your willingness to be open + vulnerable is a big part of the medicine + efficacy of this work.
Price for this option is $225, and there are 8 spots available.
The second is to participate without the 1:1 focused conversation. You’re still welcome to attend all calls + will receive all recordings. You can also ask questions in the Facebook group + on the calls as space allows — we just won’t be able to get into the level of depth + nuance about your specific chart as we would in a 1:1 conversation.
Price for this option is $125.
Scholarships are available for this option. If you feel drawn to participate, but the full price is not financially feasible at this time, use code 75OFF at checkout to bring the price down to $50. Please take advantage of this if it’s a need you have! I’d be so grateful to have you join us.
This offering also includes additional magical support, if you so choose.
In collaboration with Alexis "Bunny" Morgan, this offering includes a complimentary Juno Jar petition.
Bunny has offered this communal magical rite for the last several years centered in cultivating communal wealth communal wealth (well-being) + prosperity (well-doing) for participants — and the results have been incredible.
I've benefited from this rite several times over the years, and it's been deeply nourishing + supportive of my work (especially in deepening + expanding my art).
My hope is that this adds an additional layer of support + thriving for y'all in business -- and also further anchors the work in communal rootedness, collective visions of liberation, and an ethic of generosity, amplifying the magic in all directions!
You can learn more about the Juno Jar work HERE.
I'll be sending more info about how to sign up + submit your petition as we get closer :)
If you have any questions about this offering, you can get in touch by filling out the form below.
Looking forward to connecting + creating together!