Something I’m reminding myself today:
We may need or want things right now that don’t make sense to our rational brains.
We may “feel fine” emotionally, but struggle to get out of bed.
We might be humming along in our day just fine, and then snap at a loved one, seemingly out of the blue.
We may be struck with a brilliant creative idea but struggle to implement it, even though we have the time.
(All examples that happened to me this week).
Today, I’m reminding myself that this is an okay + normal thing.
Our bodies + nervous systems are processing a lot right now. Things are weird + unpredictable. Life looks different than we expected it would a month ago.
So I'm asking: What might it mean to give ourselves space + permission to feel confused (or scared or numb or exhausted or discombobulated or overwhelmed, maybe all at once) right now?
For me, it's meant lowering my expectations around my energy levels + dialing back the daily to-do list.
It's also meant saying kind + soothing things to myself (like: it's normal to feel unbalanced, and it's okay you didn't get everything done today. You're going through a lot right now).
This is a weird moment we’re all in together, and chaos is a wild + disorienting thing that asks a lot of our bodies + brains + spirits.
So please, give yourself what you need + nourish yourself with good things + continue taking care of you.
Sending love, friends