remembering safety

Today, I woke up early, fully intending to jump into my morning routine + fill my day with creative productivity.

But then I read my book + watched part of a movie, and by the time I made it upstairs to my meditation chair two hours later, I was feeling anxious, restless, and uneasy.

Like I'd done something wrong and needed to rush to make up for the lost time + atone for my unproductive, distracted morning.

As I was sitting there in this familiar pattern, feeling frustrated with this ongoing struggle around productivity + perfectionism, I had an awareness that I was simply feeling unsafe.

I was speaking to myself in a way that was making me feel afraid, activated, and ungrounded.

And in response to that, I was spinning in figure-it-out mode, searching for the answer that would make it all okay.

I was thinking: what went wrong this morning, and how do I fix it?

But there was no way I was going to come up with any useful or insightful response to that question from an activated nervous system.

So instead, I remembered safety.

That it existed + that I could create an experience of it for myself right then.

So I took a breath and sank into my body, into the moment.

And remembered that I create safety on a nervous-system level by feeling, connecting, grounding, and intentionally directing attention.

Rather than looking outside of myself for safety, rather than asking my productivity or a completed list of tasks to make me feel okay, I can find it inside right now.

I can tend to this foundation of inner safety + make that my starting point.

(Which ultimately supports my creativity way more than forced productivity -- because it’s a lot more manageable to take risks, try new things, and bounce back from failure if I have a deeper foundation of safety to lean on -- if I’m not making my action responsible for my okayness.)

I get to love myself and have my own back no matter what.

I get to decide that I’m okay just as I am + enjoy that experience of safety right now.

This is the work:

Returning to awareness + presence, tracking what's happening in my nervous system + attending to what's needed there, and remembering to love myself through it all.

What might it look like to do the same?