I used to resist planning because I thought it was tedious, controlling, and restrictive, but I changed my mind about this recently when I began to understand planning as just another form of setting boundaries.
When it comes to creating the life I want, boundaries have taught me the non-negotiable power of “no” (as a way of saying "yes" and investing in the thing that's the priority in the moment). And when I decide ahead of time, this is essentially what I’m doing - saying no to all other possibilities except this one for right now.
When I make a plan, I’m building a fence around my most important thing (an hour writing, dinner with my sweetheart, my meditation time, etc.) and saying “no” to everything else for that allotted time.
I used to think planning would make life smaller by eliminating spontaneity and freedom when actually, it's made life deeper by bringing that freedom and spontaneity in a clearer, more focused way.
So I don’t plan everything, but I do try to plan the most important things - and make them priorities by creating space and choosing them ahead of time.