Sometimes, the most powerful and productive thing we can do is nothing.
Sometimes it’s better to let a question sit in empty space, open and unanswered, rather than rushing to an answer.
Sometimes it’s more useful to allow the energy inside of us - in forms of emotion, discomfort, desire, or knowing - to just be as they are for right now.
Sometimes, it’s the right thing to let uncertainty change us rather than pushing forward to change uncertainty.
I’m someone who loves being a free agent and an active, powerful participant in my own life, and I also see the magic of waiting, sitting, and holding space for what’s present, real, unsettled, unknowable, overwhelming, and/or uncertain.
Space, emptiness, stillness, allowing, and quiet are powerful forces, and sometimes, the best medicine and most powerful catalyst for what we need in the moment.
What sort of medicine and power is your soul most yearning for right now? And what might it mean to give that to yourself?