I had a life-changing realization recently that I don’t have to feel good to create.
Much to my surprise, I’ve found that I can sit down to write, paint, or make something when I’m not feeling amazing.
And perhaps this is obvious, but it was sure a revelation to me.
Here’s a nuanced distinction I wasn’t quite getting:
Being connected and in flow with good energy matters in creativity. It definitely helps to have access to my vision and imagination. It’s good to have a solid energetic grounding in what gives my creativity life.
But this isn’t the same thing as feeling emotionally good.
The work I do to cultivate and plug into my deep creative energies is something I do on an ongoing, regular basis and not something I have to capture in a moment in order to do a thing in the material world. I can trust the inner work I’ve done already and also trust myself to access it when it matters, even if I don’t feel it emotionally.
(Plus, it is often the act of creating – actually doing the work – that connects me with good energy and gets me feeling good and in flow).
So sharing in case it’s helpful. As someone who personally benefits from so much of y’all’s creativity, I never want to pass up an opportunity to encourage folks to keep going. The world needs your art.