I first met Jonathan when he sent me a message that was mostly a series of deep questions about spirituality, creativity, and the meaning of life.
He said he was sorry if he was jumping in too quickly but that he hated small talk.
It was a solid move.
Because deep questions are my favorite.
They open spaces for realness.
They’re hard to fake (because once you ask, you have to be prepared to hold the space + receive the answers).
They say: I want to know the real you. I care about what matters to you. I’m here for the real shit, and I want the real truth.
Done well + asked sincerely, deep questions are loving invitations + acts of hospitality that welcome the other + receive them with care.
I realized at some point that I could create more realness, depth, and magic in my own life by asking deep questions -- by opening space for people to show me who they really are + what really matters to them.
And I’ve found that when I ask (+ hold the space for real answers), most people accept the invitation.
Most people have something to say.
Most people crave realness, connection, and a deeper thing.
I know I do.
Deep questions are among the best gifts I’ve ever received.
I can think of questions that have opened my world, changed my life, and made me feel loved in ways that took my breath away.
(And years after that first message from Jonathan, deep questions remain a core foundation of our relationship).
So I try to always bring my deep questions to the world + to my own life.
Because there’s so much magic to uncover if we’re willing to invite it forward.
If we're willing to ask.