
Knowing vs. Certainty

When I feel like I don’t know what to do next, there’s a good chance I’m confusing certainty with knowing.

Here’s the difference as I understand it:

Certainty wants a guaranteed outcome, promise of safety, clear view of the whole path, and list of step-by-step instruction, whereas knowing is the truth available now that takes me to the next right thing.

Knowing unfolds as we go.

This is often super frustrating to me. Because I even though I know (or can find a way to know) what’s true for me now and what the next right thing is, this often doesn’t feel like enough – at least to my anxious, small self who prefers certainty and would choose the guarantee every time.

But the path is unfolding and so are we, so the truth of our knowing is never a once-and-for-all conclusion we can hold ahead of time.

Instead, knowing comes with engaging life, walking the road, making wrong turns, and deepening into our embodied, intuitive wisdom.

This way of knowing reminds me that life is an adventure of trusting what I know in the moment and remembering that for now, this is enough – the rest will unfold when it’s time, and I can trust my own capacity to be with the uncertainty in the meantime.